Learn how to tap into the single most perfect system living inside of each of us―the seven Chakras.

While chakras have become trendy, sexy, cool, and very spiritual, few people today really know how to activate the Chakras’ powerful energy for deep transformation. Cristi Christensen's book Chakra Ritual~ Awakening the Wild Woman Within aims to change that by offering you a multidimensional, practical, and inspiring seven week, structured step-by-step program.

Each week, you will be guided on how to activate a different Chakra, and each weekday you will be led through a dynamic, easy, and motivating micro practice (altar building; breathing; meditation; vinyasa yoga flow, mudra, writing contemplation, and rituals) which distills the esoteric concepts and makes them tangible, living experiences. 

This is a very special invitation to read and experience, Chakra Rituals with the author and as a global community. Each week will gather via zoom for an interactive LIVE session. We will review the chakra for the upcoming week--I will share personal stories and antidotes, and will introduce you to bonus practices for each chakra that are not included in the book. And potentially the best part, you will be able to ask all your questions!

This course will include:

  • 7 Weekly LIVE Online Gatherings ( one for each chakra) ~ ALLl sessions will be 60-75minutes and will be recorded.

  • 7 + Bonus practices not included in the book

  • Time for question and answer

  • Access to a supportive, like minded global community

  • A few special surprises

We have a limited number of seats available for this program if you are interested please sign up today!

Awaken Your Energy: An 8-Week Guided Journey Through the Chakras
Sale Price: $197.00 Original Price: $397.00